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    1. 服務咨詢電話



      • 產品名稱: ZT13(800-1200)EEL&ZT131200A系列立臥兩用(大型)數控回轉工作臺
      • 產品分類: ZT13立臥兩用數控回轉工作臺
      • 公司名稱: 煙臺大華數控機床附件有限公司
      • 聯系方式: 13370934786/13370944786
      • 添加時間: 18/05/02

      ZT 13E(EL)數控(大通孔)立臥回轉工作臺是各類數控鏜、銑床和加工中心的重要附件??煞至硪粤⑹胶退绞絻煞N方式安裝于主機工作臺上。工作時,利用主機的控制系統或專門的控制系統,完成與主機相協調和各種必須的分度回轉運動。工作臺上除了可安裝板、盤或其他形狀較復雜的被加工零部件外,也可以利用主軸內大直徑貫穿通孔安裝氣(液)動彈簧夾頭或動力卡盤,對長軸類零部件進行加工,實現等分、不等分的連續的孔槽、曲直的加工,且達到較高的精度。
      ZT 13E( EL) NC rotary table with through hole in the spindle center is suitable for either horizontal or vertical position,it is a perfect accessory for NC miller and machine center.Used in combination with the control of NC
        machine tool or an independent control for non-NC machine tool,continuous cutting work for board type,disk type,hole plate as well as other parts fixed between table and tailstock can be carried out precisely,especally with thethrough hole in the spindle center,hgdraulic(pneumatic )actuating coolect and chuck can be used to proceed long shaftype parts,

      更新時間:18/05/02 17:21:05  

      官網www.ytdahuask.com 魯ICP備20028647號-5

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